Bezaleel offers a diverse range of exceptional metalwork products, each meticulously crafted to elevate your architectural and interior design projects. Our expertise extends to various forms of metalwork, including:


The Materials Used

· Metals of thickness: 1.5mm to 12mm

· Stailness type 304 ,309 ,316 up to thickness of 12mm

· Brass: red and yellow

· Wood

· Granite

What Differentiates Our Company?

Speed of Execution Icon

The speed of execution

48 hours as a maximum period for 1000 small pieces

Cleanliness & Perfection Icon

The cleanliness of each item and perfection of each aspect

The Precision in Measurements Line Icon

The precision in measurements

with the minimal error rate not exceeding 0.001mm

Competitive Pricing line icon

Competitive pricing

Our expertise extends to various forms of metalwork, including:


Calligraphy Line Icon

Wall Art

Wall Art Line Icon

Metal Crafts

Metal Crafts Line Icon